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Business accounting in a sentence

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Sentence count:39Posted:2021-01-11Updated:2021-01-11
Similar words: accrual basis accountingbusiness activityaccountingloss accountaccounting professionbusiness activitiesaccrual accountingaccounting entity
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31. On the basis of the experimental cost of business accounting year, the experimental cost of other years is calculated.
32. Finally, the mixed calculation of historical cost and fair price enables the improvement of the business accounting on non-monetary transactions.
33. Article 1 Business accounting affairs shall be handled in accordance with this Law.
34. Not only can it be used as a personal finance manager, it also functions well as a small business accounting package.
35. Business accounting the criterion formulation is take the market environment as the foundation and the premise.
36. Labour tasted price index to participate in the business accounting of GDP directly.
37. The basic data source in the national economic accounting mainly stems from the business accounting.
38. The business accounting method that fits our country national condition is cash ratio method.
39. It is an important study - subject to improve the business accounting reports of our country.
More similar words: accrual basis accountingbusiness activityaccountingloss accountaccounting professionbusiness activitiesaccrual accountingaccounting entitytax accountingaccounting yearfund accountingaccounting dataaccounting firmcost accountingaccounting incomeaccounting costaccounting unitaccounting periodaccounting booksaccounting cycleaccounting numberaccounting reportaccounting policyaccounting recordpublic accountingaccounting systemaccounting standardaccounting controlgeneral accountingaccounting concept
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